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Angle Taking Picture / Camera Angle

Angle Taking Picture / Camera Angle
  Selection of the camera's point of view appropriately enhances dramatic visualization, making viewers interested in watching the videos they make.
Angular camera divided into 3 types of objective camera angles, subjective and point of view.

1. Objective camera angle
Is a camera from the viewpoint of outsider viewers, not from a particular player's point of view. Angle objective cameras do not represent anyone. The audience is not involved, and the player does not feel there is a camera, do not feel anyone's seeing.

U can see the camera angle here.

- Bird eye view
Technique of shooting done with camera height is above the height of the object. The result will look broad environment and other objects seem small and scattered

Image result for bird eye view

-High angle
Angle retrieval from above object so impressive object so look small. This technique has a dramatic impression that the value of "dwarf"

Related image

- Low angle
Take the angle from the bottom of the object so that the object looks impressive. This technique has a dramatic impression of great value / prominance, authoritative, strong, dominant.

Image result for low angle

- Eye level 
The shooting angle is parallel to the object. The result shows a person's eyesight. This technique has no dramatic effect but the effect of steel

Image result for eye level angle

-Frog eye 
The shooting angle with the height of the camera is aligned with the base / bottom position of the object or lower. The result will appear as if the eye of the spectacle represents the frog's eyes.

Image result for frog eye angle

2. The camera's angle is subjective
Is a camera from the viewer's point of view involved, for example looking at the audience. Or from the standpoint of other players, such as horror movies. Angle subjective camera is done in several ways:

- Cameras act as spectators' eyes to place them in a scene, so they can have dramatic effects

 - The camera alternates with someone in the picture. Viewers can witness a thing or event through the eyes of a particular player. The audience will experience the same sensations as certain players. If an event is connected to a close-up of someone who is looking out of the screen, it will give the impression the audience is watching what is being watched by the player looking out of the screen.

- The camera acts as the eyes of an invisible audience. Like a presenter who greets the viewer by looking directly into the camera. Personal relations with the audience can be built in this way.

3. Point of View Camera Angle
That is a combination of objective and subjective. Angle camera p.o.v taken as close as an objective shot in the ability to approach a subjective shot, and remain objective. The camera is placed on the side of the subjective player, thus giving the impression of the spectator competing with the player outside the screen. The most obvious example is taking a close up of a player facing off-screen players and preceded by an Over Shoulder Shot.


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